Con una polémica historia tras dicho vehículo acerca de su existencia, una vez aplicados los efectos puntuales de polvo y barro, considero terminado este curioso y poco agraciado T34 rearmado, sobre el cual tan sólo existen fuentes escritas de dudosa procedencia y, lamentablemente, ninguna fotografía, aunque se ubique de forma detallada en el "Kessel" de Curland, reparado en los talleres de Libau en Agosto de 1944 y encuadrado en la 12 Div. Panzer.
"Wolfgang Kloth: No. There was an interesting unit in Kurland, Panzerbrigade Kurland. And they only had captured tanks. They had a Sherman and a General Lee and two T-43s. They took the Russian 87mm guns out and took it to the ship wharf and reamed it out to 88. They shot 88 ammunition out of it. They were very inventive! Because up in Kurland, your back was against water, you know."
de http://beute.narod.ru/Beutepanzer/su/hypothetical/rearmed_t-34.htm

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